Anne Eggen-Johansen er en erfaren Co-Active® Coach og kursleder. Hun holder coachingkurs internasjonalt for The Coaches Training Institute (CTI), og driver samtidig egen fulltids praksis som coach for ledere i næringslivet, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Som profesjonell coach siden 2003, har Anne solid kunnskap i feltet. Hun coacher, utdanner og inspirerer ledere til mer bevissthet rundt egne mentale modeller og hjelper de til å utvikler et mer kraftfullt lederskap fra innsiden ut. Hun skaper robuste og trygge læringsrom for individer, team og grupper, et godt grunnlag for ekstraordinære resultater. Med sterk intuisjon og tro på menneskers potensial til utvikling og bevegelse, inspirerer hun og trigger den indre motivasjonen hos de hun jobber med. Hun er dedikert og nærværende i møte med andre. Kvalifikasjoner: • Professional Certified Coach (PCC), fra ICF. • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), fra CTI. • Organizational and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) (Team coaching), fra CRR(Centre for Right Relationships). • Certified Neuro Transformational Coach (CNTC), fra BeAboveLeadership • Cultural Transformation Tools Practitioner, Barrett Values Centre • Certified in the Core Quality Quadrant, Daniel Ofman Anne Eggen-Johansen is an experienced Co-Active® Coach and facilitator. She leads professional coach training programs internationally for the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), and is a coach for individuals and teams in the Nordics and Internationally. As a professional coach since 2003, Anne has profound knowledge in her field. She coaches, educates and inspires leaders to step up and shift their mental models and implement transformative practices to increase their effectiveness. Artfully she creates a safe learning space for individuals, leaders and teams, resulting in outstanding growth. With her strong intuition and belief in the human potential, Anne is truly inspiring and triggers the inner motivation in people. She is dedicated, mindful and present in her work. Qualifications: • Professional Certified Coach (PCC), by ICF. • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), by CTI. • Organizational and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) (Team coaching), by CRR. • Certified Neuro Transformational Coach (CNTC), by BeAboveLeadership • Cultural Transformation Tools Practitioner, Barrett Values Centre • Certified in the Core Quality Quadrant, Daniel Ofman
Husvikveien 11, 1443 DRØBAK